Walking through the tight alleyways in the heavily dense market of Hebron called the Casbah in the middle of the night. Tension is so high you can cut it with a knife on a usual night, but tonight it was almost unbearable how you could feel it crushing down on your chest. The streets are silent except for the sounds of large rats roaming the night. We are a four-man search team on the hunt for a terrorist that has recently killed many Jews and with plans to kill more. As we turn yet another dark corner into this maze deep into the enemy’s territory we are hit with the smell of the brutal mutilation of a grown camel earlier that day. All of a sudden all of these sounds and smells with the nearly crippling amount of tension and stress fade away as I feel the presence of Yeshua and His Angels around me. The rest of the team is still under the influence of this horrible situation. As I start to pray and ask Yeshua to give my teammates the same Peace that He has given me, I feel the wind made by something very close falling behind me and then followed by a large thump as it impacted the ground with great force. What happened next was incredible and without the belief in Yeshua and miracles, you would not have a chance to understand what happened next. Let’s stop and back up.
This is an actual event that happened during my time as an active IDF soldier many years ago. There are many accounts in my time of service like this one that I can say thank you for your prayers, they were answered and many times even life-saving. THANK YOU FOR SAVING OUR LIVES! Most of you reading this have been with us for decades and have been part of a global prayer team as my Father Jerry Golden would have you all pray for my safety and the safety of my teammates. In my experience, Jesus seems to answer our prayers in His time, usually at the last minute, allowing us to exercise our faith. Now, this particular event was not the most Miraculous or even the most dangerous this is just one of the accounts that I can give you some of the details to share with you just how powerful your prayers are. Before we go back and finish the accounts of the battle and the Miraculous events that took place I would like to take the chance to explain what this letter is about. Ministry work in itself is Miraculous, the Lord has chosen the few with the burden of His work while the Body of Christ Supports them to fulfill the calling placed by God, it is divine in design. Yeshua called us a few times, and when we finally got out of His way, the Leap of Faith part of this Ministry was born. Saving Jewish Lives has always been the calling of this Ministry and now we are not only putting everything in place to save Jews by boats, but we are also saving Jews by feeding the children of Israel. THANK YOU FOR SAVING LIVES! One in three children go to bed hungry every night here in the State of Israel, the number of children that live in poverty is only growing every year, just recently that statistic changed from one in four to one in three. With your help, we can fight this and feed many. We have been working with a social worker that works in the schools to be able to find the families that are in the worst shape but also the families with large numbers of children that need help. Believe me when I say to you that your prayer is powerful. If you are reading this and the Lord is speaking to you about becoming a part of this Ministry then don’t ignore it. Together we can reach many and save countless. So let us all pray that this ministry will be able to grow and make a difference in the endless amount of hungry children in the Promised Land.
Let us pick up where we left off. I am not a talented writer like my Father is so I hope the words chosen can help you understand and convey this Miraculous event. The following is the direct result of the power of your prayer.
The moment that the sound of the heavy sandbag hit the ground we all reacted as one when the years of training kicked in. Immediately we saw that there was a man on the roof directly above us. I can remember the odd smile that was on his face after he threw this large sandbag at us. It was very clear that he tried to throw the sandbag at my head, from the roof where he was and the force he threw the sandbag if he was able to hit the top of my head it would have defiantly broken my neck. The tension and stress were forgotten as we made a split-second decision to break up into 2s. 2 of us quickly jumped on the roof while the other 2 stayed in the dense streets. The roof of this place is made of thin sheets of steel laid on top of each other without being tied down. As we take off running after this man we realize that this is the terrorist that we are hereafter in the first place. To me, it seemed like it was a matter of only a few seconds and we had him in custody. Once the adrenaline started to wear off one of us decided to check what was in the sandbag. As he opened it we could all see that in the middle of all the sand was a bomb that Yeshua did not allow to detonate. In a matter of just a few seconds, we can count several Miracles that kept me alive; the sandbag missing my head, the roof staying intact as we climbed up, and the bomb not going off.
Well once again I find myself fighting on the battlefield here in the Promised Land but this time the IDF is not supplying me with the intelligence or the ammunition to win this mission. With the cost of food going up and amount of people in need of our help rising this time it is you as the Body of Christ that is supplying me with the means to fight. A promise from God is forever,
Gen. 12:3
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
In closing, with your faith and devotion, we can fight this fight and bless the children of Israel together. Below you can find links to Support this mission and start feeding these precious people today.
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Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the children of Israel.
God Bless
Joel Golden